58 Container Drive, Terryville, CT 06786
Fit. Fun. Flips!
Drill 1
Drill 2
Open Shoulder Push Up Walking
Get in an open shoulder push up position
Walk your body forwards 5x
Walk your body backwards 5x
Walk your body sideways 5x
Walk your body sideways 5x (other direction)
Repeat until you've done the entire sequence 3 times
Relevé Hold
Repeat 6x or until you've held it three times for 10 seconds without wobbling!
Drill 3
Drill 4
Weighted Arm Lift
Hold the water bottles or weights, one in each hand with your arms down by your thighs
With your knees slightly bent, raise your arms over your head
Lower your arms down slowly back to your thighs
Follow the chart for your group
Flippers - 2 sets of 8
Junior Bronze - 2 sets of 10
Senior Bronze - 3 sets of 10
Silver - 3 sets of 12
Gold - 3 sets of 15

No weights today!
Increase your hold by 5 seconds!

Spiderwalk Against Wall
Do a spiderwalk against the wall (belly to the wall)
Try to get as close to the wall as you can with a tight body position
10-15 seconds (Flippers)
15-30 seconds (Junior Bronze/Senior Bronze)
30-50 seconds (Silver)
50-65 seconds (Gold)
Lunge, T, Lunge
Start in a strong lunge with arms by ears, shoulders behind ears.
Lift the back leg, hold arms in place, and shift your body into a T position. HOLD parallel to ground. You should not be able to see your arms, but eyes may be able to peak fingers.
Wobbles break your T and don’t count!
Return to strong lunge, holding the straight line
Hold T for 2 seconds (Flippers), 2-5 seconds (Junior Bronze), 5-10 seconds (Silver), 7-10 (Gold)