58 Container Drive, Terryville, CT 06786
Fit. Fun. Flips!
Drill 1
Drill 2
Handstands onto Panel Mat
Stand next to a folded panel mat.
Kick up to a handstand with your hands on the mat.
Try to get to vertical and keep good body position (head in, ribs down, tail tucked, butt squeezed, hips forward, OPEN shoulders)
Land in a strong lunge maintaining your straight position the entire time.
Repeat 15 times.
**If you don’t have a panel mat, you can do the handstands on the floor.
Increase your hold by 5 seconds!
Spiderwalk Against Wall
Do a spiderwalk against the wall (belly to the wall)
Try to get as close to the wall as you can with a tight body position
15-20 seconds (Flippers)
20-35 seconds (Junior Bronze/Senior Bronze)
35-55 seconds (Silver)
55-75 seconds (Gold)
Drill 3
Pike Drag Ups with a Forward Roll
Have a slider or paper plate available to use.
Start in a push up position with good shape
Place your toes on the slider or plate.
Using your abdominal muscles, pull your feet towards you hands, dragging them across the floor. Maintain straight legs.
When you get to a pike position, tuck your head to look at your belly and complete a forward roll. *This action is for strong shoulders and learning the correct vertical position. It will also help you with your handstand forward roll!
If you feel that you do not have enough control to do the forward roll safely you can do the move without the forward roll. SAFETY is most important!
Repeat 12 times