58 Container Drive, Terryville, CT 06786
Fit. Fun. Flips!

Take a picture of your best handstand. Make sure to add the date to the photo since this is your BEFORE photo!
Email your photo to flips.teams@gmail.com and/or post it to your Instagram account. If you post it, make sure you tag us @flipsgymnasticscenter #flipsstrong #flipsrocks #flipshandstandchallenge
Remember those "before" pictures in September?
Drill 1
Open Shoulder Push Up Walking
Get in an open shoulder push up position
Walk your body forwards 5x
Walk your body backwards 5x
Walk your body sideways 5x
Walk your body sideways 5x (other direction)
Repeat until you've done the entire sequence 3 times
Open Shoulder Push up Position
Drill 2
Relevé Hold
Get into the correct shape with arms overhead. Keep the hips forward, ribs in (down), arms straight with shoulders BEHIND your ears, standing in relevé.
Hold 30 seconds for 2-3 rounds.